Sunday, June 2, 2013

Guest Appearances

Two kind souls have featured me on their excellent blogs within the last few days but I've been too preoccupied to announce it.  "Preoccupied?" You say.  Yes, my good wife, fondly known as Hurricane Sandy, is remodeling the dining room.  She wanted the Mexican pavers there and in the kitchen refinished and got an estimate of four dollars a square foot.  The rustic tiles are only worth a dollar twenty a foot, so the macho miser in me insisted on doing it.  After acquiring all the requisite caustic and toxic chemicals, and experimenting with brushes, steel wool and a grinder, I determined that heavy equipment was in order.  The guy who rented the ninety-pound floor buffer negligently failed to warn me of its life-threatening propensities.  The first time I pulled the trigger it threw me in a full circle.  I spent the next six hours being slammed into the walls and appliances while slipping on the poisonous chemicals.

Emerging aching and bruised, I now have a moment to brag.  Clancy Tucker, Australian blogger extraordinaire, interviewed me on May 29th—he's somewhere over the dateline, so it was the 28th here.  This is the link if you would care to have a look:

Clancy is a daily blogger.  Look at some of his other posts.  Many are quite worthwhile.

A few days later, Imogen Knight, the author of the Reiki Circle series hosted me on her lovely blog and without a net.  She will probably regret not structuring my ramblings.  Anyway, here's what I said about collecting source material:

In the morning I must scuttle about on hands and aged knees applying the sealer to the damned tiles.  Standby for updates.

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